I’m having a hard time guessing what causes issues in InDesign with alternate layers. In some InDesign 2020 and 2021 the font works, but in InDesign 2022 it is definitely not working. I’ve tried “Feature for Feature Variations” with rlig and also with rvrn" and neither will make it work. Anyone has suggestions on how to circumvent these Adobe bugs?
I would not even try in Indesign any more. Too frustrating.
Test in FontGoggles or a Browser.
If it is working on some Adobe apps, don’t bother with the rest. Building fonts around bugs in apps is a bad idea. Those bugs get fixed eventually, but updating your fonts is not so easy.
Yeah, they work elsewhere (FontGoggles, Samsa, Gauntlet, etc.) and even in some versions of InDesign, very frustrating indeed. You’re right about building fonts around bugs being a bad idea. Thanks!