If it is possible, I would like to change:
- The appearance of Nodes from outlined circle/rectangle to filled
- BCPs’ colour
- the size of the selected BCP/Node’s rectangle/circle
If it is possible, I would like to change:
Why would you like that?
Can you make a mockup how you like it to look like?
The drawing of the handles is difficult to customize.
I see. It isn’t that vital but especially in the dark mode sometimes it’s getting harder to notice BCPs and whether they are selected or not. I thought there may be an easy way to change those settings via the “Set Hidden App Preferences” script.
For me, the selection state of the handle is quite clear, outlined vs filled. Maybe you like to use bigger handles?
I am not a big fan of bigger handles. Thanks anyways
Sorry for bumping into this, but is it possible to make the BCP’s node equal the size of the on-curve node at a certain zoom level via API?.
As I noticed, the size of BCP’s node is a tad bit smaller than the on-curve one.
Coming from folks who primarily work off a 13.3" screen. It is quite the hurdle when I frequently need to squint my eyes more so often just to spot or select BCP’s node.
In Glyphs > Settings > Appearance, you can set the handle size to the maximum.