I’m still a little new to Glyphs, and struggling to work out if I have misunderstood how this works, or if I’ve made a mistake. I’ve had a good read on the fantastic learning resources and the forum, and I’m still a little unsure.
If my understanding is correct, the side bearings of smart components that are lined up using corresponding anchors (the stroke and shoulder of my ‘n’ in the screenshot below) should be magically merged in compound glyph via. automatic alignment.
However, as you can see in the screenshot, it seems as though they are inherited from the first component only so the letter overlaps unless I force it manually with kerning.
I’ve found that when I line these up by changing the the LSB of the shoulder, the RSB of the shoulder is inherited – but my impression is this will unnecessary complexity across different master weights?
If you have any advice, thoughts or can discreetly point out where I’ve done something a little dim witted, I’d be very grateful.