Automatic alignment of marks breaking on export

When exporting fonts, “double stacked” diacritical marks that have been automatically aligned break (collapse into each other or sit next to the parent glyph) on some/most glyphs when exporting. These glyphs align perfectly in the interface using automatic alignment, and also when “Generating Instances”.

I have tried disabling “Remove Overlap” with no result so instead I have resorted to disabling automatic alignment to get them to work, which I’d rather not do as any width changes will mean I will have to manually align them each time.

Do the diacritics themselves have top anchors as well ?

Thanks for the reply, yes each diacritic component has it’s respective top and bottom anchors, and the base glyph has a top anchor as well, they are all aligning with each other as expected, it just seems to be a problem on export compilation.

  1. Which app version? Tried the latest betas?
  2. Are you reusing components a lot in your marks? What is possible is that anchors shine through. Consider decomposing or using a neutral nonexporting glyph, e.g., _dieresis, without anchors, as the base glyph for the components.

Can you send me the file?

Sorry, forgot to mention I’m using 2.4, but I had the problem in previous versions so its probably something to do with the way I’m combining them.

I’ve just tried combining udieresiscaron and caroncomb together, but they compile with the same behaviour. I can imagine the marks on the dieresis are aligning to the wrong _top anchor, as it only seems to be happening with the dieresis glyph.

The problem occurs when you export as TTF. I have a look.

I have fixed the problem.

You can prevent the problem if you decompose the components in the dieresiscomb It is not advisable to use components of the period in the diesesls when exporting to TrueType.

Would you suggest not exporting as opentype .ttf in general then?

Thank you very much for your help, really handy! I’ll make note not to try and be lazy and cut corners as much by nesting too much with components.

No, TrueType is fine. Just the components in the dieresis are not (for now). One problem is with the hinting of vertically shifted comports.