Brace trick broken?

Guys is there any problem with the brace trick? I get no result when I click re-interpolate. Outlines are compatible and everything is fine.

This is very strange. The values I was using were {700,100} and I was getting an empty glyph. Changed the 100 to 99 and it did create an interpolated glyph. Changed it back to 100 and it worked fine. My instances and masters use only 100 in width value.

Can you send me the .glyphs file? To support (at) (this website without www), please. I will have a look.

I am sending you the file. I realised one thing. I had removed the outline of the {layer} before clicking re-interpolate. If I just duplicate the main layer and name it something and re-interpolate it works. However, if I carry on clicking on re-interpolate it seems that it is constantly re-interpolates the {brace layer} with the next one.

There is something more severe wrong with the Reinterpolation function. We are investigating. Thanks for pointing us to it & sorry it does not work right now.

No worries. Glad we found the problem then.

I think I just fixed this. Please check in version 1006.

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Seems to be working fine.

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