[Bug] [Glyph Mini] Add Component modal behavior is different using keyboard arrows

if I use the keyboard Up/Down arrows in this modal, the selected component is Gray, which collides with the zebra stripes and makes it hard to see.

if I use the arrows, the selected component is blue.

Note that if I click on it, it turns blue (Expected behavior), and keeps selected one in blue.



It only gets blue if the table has focus. I could remove the “zebra”.

Yes, the focus is in the text field so you can type. Just press tab to move the focus.

@GeorgSeifert Yes! to remove the zebra stripes :smiley:
Alternative: Use separators instead of zebra stripes.

@mekkablue doh, right! the focus is in the textfield :man_facepalming:
Now I think being able to navigate while ALSO keeping focus in the text field is clever, ha!

Yes, first narrow down your search by typing. Usually the glyph you want will be first anyway and you need to just press Return. If it is not, tab and use arrows.

No need to use the tab key at all. When you move the selection it is apparent enough to know where you are.