Can I toggle/control seeing other weights behind my glyph?

Hi, I’m doing a multi-weight, multi-width font - currently starting with 4 masters:

  1. ExtraBold ExtraExpanded
  2. Light ExtraExpanded
  3. ExtraBold Condensed
  4. Light Condensed

I’m not sure if there is a way to toggle seeing other masters in the interface. Sometimes I see 2 other masters “ghosted” behind, sometimes I see 1 other. Sometimes the other weights are super helpful - other times they are a distraction. And I’m not clear why certain other masters are visible and not others. See diagram:

Is there a way to toggle this on and off?
Can I choose which other masters are visible?

This is probably really basic - sorry if this has been asked before or if it’s somewhere obvious.

Also I want to thank the developers, and to say how insanely fun Glyphs is.


You can click the “eye” icon in the Layer panel.

Ah! of course. Thank you!