Cherokee glyphs: auto anchors

Could the auto anchors shortcut (OPTION + CMD + U) please be implemented for the encoded Cherokee glyph set, uppercase (U+13A0–U+13FF) and lowercase (U+AB70 to U+ABBF)? Though rarely used, above and below can occur in Cherokee. I’m aware that I can create my own GlyphData to achieve this, but I’d rather see it implemented in Glyph’s default GlyphData.

Below is an screenshot from *Everson, Michael (2014-02-25), Revised proposal for the addition of Cherokee characters. source

Will do. Thanks for your input.

All cherokee letters get both top and bottom? Which are the possible marks? Dot accents below and above? Anything else?

Thanks Rainer, just ‘bottom’ and ‘top’ anchors are needed.

The following comb marks can be used for below: macronbelow, diaeresis below, dot below, and tildebelow. Above marks aren’t specified and I’ve never come across examples of this, however I assume the same marks which apply below can also apply above.

Marks above/below Cherokee syllabics occur rarely but I prefer to support them incase mark positioning data is required by the user.