Components and Non-Components Interpolation

Lately, letters that combine component and non-component elements (and should align to to a straight line) miss one point in the interpolation exports.
When I decompose the components, it doesn’t miss that point.
Is this a bug? Is there any way to address the issue without decomposing the element?

Thanks a lot!

Does the same happen when you export the font?

Generally, don’t ever mix paths and components, this is a very bad practice. Make a new component out of the path and attach it with anchors.

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Thanks for the tip! I’ve changed it to two components attached with anchors but it still happens.

I’ve exported the font and it’s also happening in the export :frowning:

Do you have any transformations going on with any of the components? Scaling, rotation? This could lead to rounding errors.

On some, yes. I’ve flipped it horizontally. But it also happens on the b glyph which doesn’t have any transformation.

Each point if interpolated and rounded individually. If the bowl component has an offset, the those result will be different from the interpolation/rinding of the plain nodes.