Contextual Alternatives in Arabic Ligatures

Hi everyone!

As a calligrapher I’m trying to create a new font which has complex ligatures…
For instance xxx-ar.init has many different join glyphs to any xxx-ar.medi, as well as any xxx-ar.medi to join many xxx-ar.fina glyphs on entire font.
So I have to create as many as I need .alt glyphs!

My issue is everything working fine! BUT when I start to type a space after joined glyphs, the problem will appears, Please take a look at the first screenshot, with space that working fine:

This is screenshot with no space after that:

Here is my code at Features tab on calt section:

@be_alef_Calt_off = [beh-ar.init teh-ar.init theh-ar.init noon-ar.init yeh-farsi.init alef-ar.fina];
@be_alef_Calt_on = [beh-ar.init.alt1 teh-ar.init.alt1 theh-ar.init.alt1 noon-ar.init.alt1 yeh-farsi.init.alt1 alef-ar.fina.alt1];
sub @be_alef_Calt_off@be_alef_Calt_off by @be_alef_Calt_on;
sub @be_alef_Calt_on @be_alef_Calt_off’ by @be_alef_Calt_on;

Please help me up to fix it.

Many Thanks.

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Can you try the exported font in Indesign? It might be a problem with the Layout in Glyphs.

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Thanks for responding :slight_smile:
Here you are:

it doesn’t look like OT feature code problem… you may need to check Auto alignments or definition of contextual kerning.

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@GeorgSeifert I’m still waiting for your respond.

Or do you have any suggestions for creating joined glyphs by x-ar.init + x-ar.medi + x-ar.fina

@mekkablue please let me know.


How about giving the Kaf negative LSB?

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I don’t have an idea right now. I would need the file to try it myself.

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Thanks @Tosche, It doesn’t work.

Thanks @GeorgSeifert, How can I send the file to you for review?

Send a link to the file as a direct message in the forum or by email at support at this domain (without www).

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Hi @GeorgSeifert, I sent the file via direct message.