CPAL font: How to link Color palette layers to Master so that they stay aligned when spacing and kerning?

How to link color palette layers to Master so that they stay aligned when spacing and kerning?

I am following the “Creating a Micro­soft color font (CPAL/‌COLR)” tutorial. I need to space and kern the font now, but I can’t seem to sync my color palette layers with the “regular” top master/layer.

Does anyone know how to do this? I would really appreciate some help.

My font only has one master. But has multiple color palette layers for each glyph.

I’ve tried adding the “link metrics with first layer” custom parameter to the master tab in the font info panel.

I tried the “link metrics with master” custom parameter to the master tab in the font info panel.

I tried using the select all layers tool to select all and move them manually. It will only let me move the color layers OR the regular layer at once, leaving the others unaligned.

I tried selecting all layers and typing the side bearings in, it only shifts one of the layers, leaving the others unaligned.

There is currently no way to do this.
I need to think about this.

Is this even needed? COLR layers are “decomposed” after applying OpenType layout, so they get the spacing, positioning, etc. as the main glyph.

It probably will not matter in the final font, but would working on them easier.