Custom stickers font - Mail Bug

_Hi, _
I’m making custom font, where for letters are images. I have problem, cuz exported font is working, but image isn’t have right colours and also new sign isn’t adding to right but to the left side.

Here is video: demo
Any ideas?

It’s my first time, when I use Glyphs.

Hi, I have one more problem with my font. My font is working fine in all iOS applications with one exception. It’s not working in native Mail app.
As you can see on video linked below cursor isn’t move with adding new character. When is already added some character, cursor is changing place, but not correctly.

Link: Video
Font files: Files

Have you read this:

I would need to see the .glyphs file (and some of the images) to see what is going on.

I uploaded font files.
Font - images + Glyphs file

In all environments that I tested the font you send it looks good.

The font in the demo has a quite different spacing then the one you send. Are you sure it is the same? And what environment is the demo?

I tested in iOS. My main problem is that font signs are adding to the left side not right like in normal font on the right.

That has to do with the unicodes you used. They are in the Arabic block. You should use PUA codes starting from E000.

I changed unicodes to E0001 and E0002. Now I can’t display my images.

Then you might have a cache issue.

Yes, you have right. Thanks for advices.

Hi, I have one more problem with my font. My font is working fine in all iOS applications with one exception. It’s not working in native Mail app.
As you can see on video linked below cursor isn’t move with adding new character. When is already added some character, cursor is changing place, but not correctly.

Link: Video
Font files: Files

The problem is the unicodes that you used for your glyphs. Mail can’t seem to handle them correctly. They are outside of the usual ranges of codes. Use a proper PUA code (e.g.: E001 and E002 ) and it will work correctly.

When I use code like E001 iOS is showing some own emojis. My custom emojis are working when they are have E0001… codes. Do you have any ideas for that issue?

E001 should not show anything in iOS. If it does, then you font stack is wrong. But if the lower plane PUA codes do not work, use the proper upper plane PUA codes F0000

Hi GeorgSeifert,

I have one more issue. During writing cursor isn’t moving well.

Link: Video
Font: Glyphs File

I don’t think that is a font problem.