Darkmode colour customisation

Hello, would really appreciate some help on this:

For accessibility reasons I need to work in darkmode. However, in the settings menu there are only 8 things I can customise the colour settings for with darkmode and none are for the type itself, which is (for me) too bright currently. Is there a way I can customise these below?

I want to change the colour (currently white) of
– the type the main drawing space
– the type in the preview strip below
– Less important, but would also very helpful: the colour of the letters themselves in the overview of the font.

There is no UI but you can set the color with the small code snippet:

from Cocoa import NSColor
Glyphs.colorDefaults["GSColorForegroundDark"] = NSColor.colorWithHue_saturation_brightness_alpha_(120 / 360.0, 10 / 100.0, 50 / 100.0, 1)

Thanks heaps for your help Georg. I’ve got to here in the screenshot, how would I also apply it to make the letters in the preview panel below also switch?

I’ll see what I can do.

Super, thanks for your help on this Georg, very much appreciated – it’d be a big relief for my eyes!

(There is a big problem with dark mode. To make it look cool, in most places, the contrast is reduces quite a bit. But that makes it more difficult to read (at least for me). Normally you should be able to reduce the bright colors by reducing the brightness of the screen. But because of the aforementioned reduction in contrast, everything is not readable any more.)