Deactivate master?

Can I use this parameter to disable 2 masters to avoid remove them? I have a font with a total of 4 masters and I need to refactor to 2 masters.


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Great. How should I list them in the parameter?
I tried:
Regular, Bold

They still exist in the preview.

What do you mean, exist in the preview?

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Of cause they are still on the preview. The remove parameter is only apply on export.

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Right. So my only solution would be to duplicate the glyph file and delete the masters I donā€™t want to interfere with my interpolation. Or is there any way to ignore those masters in dev process?

Really? When you look at the instances preview, they are actually shown as interpolated with disabled masters. (8.0 KB)

I meant the masters will still be there. The instances that have a ā€œRemove Masterā€ parameter will of course be previewed with those masters.