Decomposing components in all layers

Can I decompose a component in all layers with a simple script?

Yes; put this in your Macro Window and press Run:

currentGlyph = Layer.parent
for thisLayer in currentGlyph.layers:


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how could this be rewritten, so it could be applied to a selection of glyphs in font view?

Why not select and Glyph > Decompose Components?

because, decomposing all masters at once helps a lot, when working on very master intensive fonts.

and this script could be super helpful if it could be applied to a selection of glyphs in font view…

selectedGlyphs = [l.parent for l in Font.selectedLayers]
for glyph in selectedGlyphs:
    for layer in glyph.layers:

:bowing_man: grazie mille!

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