drawBackgroundForLayer not called in ObjC plugin in G3?

I’m trying to update the Heatmap reporter for Glyphs 3. It’s an ObjC reporter plugin. In the past everything has been done in the drawBackgroundForLayer method, but I’m not seeing that method being called:

- (void) drawForegroundForLayer:(GSLayer*)Layer {
    NSLog(@"Draw foreground");

- (void) drawBackgroundForLayer:(GSLayer*)Layer {
    NSLog(@"Draw background");
2021-01-11 09:46:33.379 Glyphs 3[57910:28379247] Heatmap: Clearing cache
2021-01-11 09:46:33.596 Glyphs 3[57910:28379247] Draw foreground
2021-01-11 09:46:33.606 Glyphs 3[57910:28379247] Heatmap: Clearing cache
2021-01-11 09:46:44.855 Glyphs 3[57910:28379247] Draw foreground
2021-01-11 09:46:45.572 Glyphs 3[57910:28379247] Draw foreground
2021-01-11 09:47:15.405 Glyphs 3[57910:28379247] Draw foreground

Also if there’s a replacement for [graphicView drawText:atPoint:alignment:] that would be helpful to know about.

The callback has changed to:

- (void)drawForegroundForLayer:(GSLayer *)layer options:(NSDictionary *)options;

The string drawing methods are all in NSString+BadgeDrawing.h/m now.