Error found when auto generating 'locl' feature

An error pops up when compiling ‘local’ feature for Guaraní language:
Error: “DFLT script tag may be used only with the dlft language tag. (text was “GUA”)” in Feature locl in line: 1

When generated automatically the ‘locl’ feature for Guaraní (GUA) appears on top of the list.
The feature line should come after the script tag

‘locl’ feature as it is generated by Glyps:

language GUA;
sub quotesingle by quotesingle.loclGUA;
script latn;
language NLD;
sub iacute j by iacute_j.loclNLD;
sub Iacute J by Iacute_J.loclNLD;
language CAT;
sub l periodcentered l by l_periodcentered_l.loclCAT;
sub L periodcentered L by L_periodcentered_L.loclCAT;
language ROM;
sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
language MOL;
sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
language KAZ;
sub i by idotaccent;
language TAT;
sub i by idotaccent;
language TRK;
sub i by idotaccent;
language CRT;
sub i by idotaccent;
language AZE;
sub i by idotaccent;

Fixed it. Thanks for the report.