I was trying to open a VF .ttf and received this error. Hoping someone can help me decipher the issue, and if there is a solution.
**The document “NotoSerif-VariableFont_wdth,wght.ttf” could not be opened. Error while reading the document. (-[__NSArrayM elementAtIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x60000d630e70)
I’m attempting to examine OFL VF fonts to better understand how they are deployed so they work properly with various OS’s and applications. It appears this particular .ttf distribution has thin to heavy faces and italics. When I reviewed what I thought are the GitHub source locations I was unable to locate a glyphsapp source file that might have produced this particular .ttf. If you are able to point me to a good location that is appreciated. If not, no big deal, I’ll look at other fonts as I’m still in the learning stage.