Font diacritics cut offs

Hello everyone.

I’m experiencing some cut offs on my font diacritics. I’ve tested the font in the major text/design editors and the problem occurs in MS Word. Please see the attached image.
I’ve read the tutorial on vertical metrics but I’m still not comfortable on which strategy to apply on my specific case (hhea, OS/2 or win).
I have some unusual diacritics ṦǛẲỴ, my UPM is 1000 and the x-height/font dimensions are pretty ‘standard’.
I would like to ask you for some advice on how to solve this issue.
Thank you.

Try raiding the UPM. But the Screenshot only Shows the Glyphs font view, which does not matter much in this respect.

The cut-off is controlled by the “winAscent” value. You can add a custom parameter with that name. In windows it also controls the line spacing so you don’t want to make it too big.

Hi Rainer and Georg.
I’ll try to add a winascent value and let you know how it went.

Thank you very much for your help.