Font naming changes

Hi, can I add custom parameters to change some font naming issues. I’ve inspected the data using OTMaster Light and there are things I need to change, for example inside name records, there is more fields for naming, Unique font identifier - How do I change all this from Glyphsapp? Thanks

The Unique Font Identifier (name table ID 3) is not a name. It is automatically calculated by makeotf from the version number, the vendor code, and the font name. That means you can change it by setting a different version number, a different vendor code, and changing the font name.

But why do you want to change it at all? The user never sees it.

Seems Glyphs is adding “-Regular” after export in metadata. I have to get rid of it since there is a matching problem within an app.

About what name table entry do we speak about?

I am using OTMaster Lite. Inside ‘name’ table > name records, there are some naming fields that appear like: Myfont-Regular instead of just Myfont. I need to delete all -Regular to match.

I think chnging nameid 3 and nameid 6 it would be fine, the macintosh unique id and postscript name