I’m having the same problems. But I can say that I could fix some issues adding a custom parameter “Axis Location” on each instances. I don’t know if is the correct method.
Some fontbakery checks are rather specific for a certain font vendor, in this case Google, and not valid universally, so you have to decide if they apply to your case.
If you don’t have an instance called “Regular”, you can ignore the first error message.
The last check seems relevant though; per the OpenType spec, the values of the weight axis should range from 1 to 1000 maximum (usually not that full range, but corresponding to the weights your font supports), so a default value of 0.0 for the weight axis shouldn’t happen. Adding axis locations as @beppeartz suggested should solve that.
I’m not sure how to influence the PostScript naming thing from within Glyphs.
I have the same problem, fontbakery gives a FAIL for a variable font (45 styles):
STAT table has Axis Value tables?
According to the OpenType spec, in a variable font, it is strongly
recommended that axis value tables be included for every element of
typographic subfamily names for all of the named instances defined in the
'fvar' table.
Axis value tables are particularly important for variable fonts, but can
also be used in non-variable fonts. When used in non-variable fonts, axis
value tables for particular values should be implemented consistently
across fonts in the family.
FAIL STAT table is missing Axis Value for 'wdth' value
'50.0' [code: missing-axis-value-table]
FAIL STAT table is missing Axis Value for 'wght' value
'100.0' [code: missing-axis-value-table]
FAIL STAT table is missing Axis Value for 'wdth' value
'50.0' [code: missing-axis-value-table]
FAIL STAT table is missing Axis Value for 'wght' value
'200.0' [code: missing-axis-value-table]
…and so on for all instances. Also it gives another FAIL for:
Checking if STAT entries matches fvar and vice versa.
Check for inconsistencies in names and values between the fvar
instances and STAT table. Inconsistencies may cause issues in
apps like Adobe InDesign.
FAIL Compressed Thin: 'wdth' axis value '50.0' missing in
STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed Thin: 'wght' axis value '100.0' missing
in STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed ExtraLight: 'wdth' axis value '50.0'
missing in STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed ExtraLight: 'wght' axis value '200.0'
missing in STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed Light: 'wdth' axis value '50.0' missing
in STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed Light: 'wght' axis value '300.0' missing
in STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed: 'wdth' axis value '50.0' missing in STAT
table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed: 'wght' axis value '400.0' missing in
STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
FAIL Compressed Medium: 'wdth' axis value '50.0' missing
in STAT table. [code: missing-fvar-instance-axis-value]
consider the script Set Weight Axis Location, or Insert Instances
Font Info > Exports:
The word “Regular” is elidable in instance names, so it is dropped as soon as it is combined with anything else: not “Condensed Regular” → better: “Condensed”
The instance that is “Regular” on every axis: consider custom parameter Elidable STAT Axis Value Name, value = axis tag (one for each axis). Especially if you use a word different from “Regular” as your elidable name.
Instances with uncombined simple (single-word) names: consider custom parameter Style Name as STAT entry, value = axis tag for which the single word makes sense as an axis position, e.g. in “Bold” (wght axis) or “Condensed” (wdth axis) or “Grande” (opsz axis), but do not add this in “Bold Italic” (not a position on any individual axis), “Condensed Bold” or “Grande Light”.
Italic instances: should have the word “Italic” in them, best at the end of the name (Condensed Italic is better than Italic Condensed), think axis order.
Variable Font Setting:
add from the plus menu at the bottom
Family Name: must be different from static family name, e.g. add “Variable” at the end.
Variations PostScript Name Prefix: family name without spaces
Custom Parameter Variable font origin to one of the masters (by default the first master)
Name: set to name of the instance that corresponds to your variable font origin; must contain the word “Italic” if the whole file is italic.
It may be a good idea (but it is not necessary!) to choose the most regular master possible, if possible the one that is regular on every axis, to be as close as possible to user (and third-party app) expectations.
@frankrolf I have an issue with some of the checks for an italic OTVAR:
FAIL 'Regular' instance has the same coordinates as the
default instance; its postScriptNameID should be 6, instead of 263.
[code: invalid-default-instance-postscript-nameid:263]
I assume this is the fvar.NamedInstance.subfamilyNameID for the instance at wght=400. CMIIW but this check is impossible to fulfil if you have a separate Italic file with a wght axis (like Example 5 on the STAT spec page).
nameID 1: MyFontVariable
nameID 2: Italic
nameID 6: MyFontVariable-Italic
nameID 16 same as 1, or left out because it is the same as 1
nameID 17 same as 2, or left out because it is the same as 2
fvar.NamedInstance.subfamilyNameID: Italic (same as nameID 2 or 17)
name IDs 1 and 16 must be the same as in the Roman, otherwise it will not be considered the same family. The tricky part is that I have found that nameID 25 must be unique per file, otherwise InDesign misbehaves. Hence, in an Italic file, the composed postscriptNameIDs will contain the Italic indicator before the dash, which makes it impossible to make postscriptNameID the same as nameID 6.
SourceSans3 also fails the tests:
<!-- name ID 1: Source Sans 3 VF-->
<!-- name ID 2: Italic -->
<!-- name ID 6: SourceSans3VF-Italic -->
<!-- name ID 304: SourceSans3Italic-Regular -->
<NamedInstance flags="0x0" postscriptNameID="304" subfamilyNameID="2">
<coord axis="wght" value="400.0"/>
Update: had a type about subfamilyNameID, fixed it.
The issue is that “Roman” and “Regular” are different (therefore pass the FB test), while this distinction is impossible for the Italic slope.
In current projects, I am forcing the creation of a nameID17 by setting the VF style name to “Dummy” (which is different from “Italic”), and then post-process the file with fontTools, to insert the style name of the default instance.
(The “Dummy” workaround is not necessary for SS4, because that project has an intermediate master at the “Regular Italic” weight, therefore the default is “Italic”.)
… seems to work in InDesign, including style linking through Cmd-Shift-B/I. However, it has a different postscriptName structure than all the other instances. So I am kind of weary about third-party app compatibility.