FontTableViewer can’t open OTF

The current FontTableViewer (Version 1.0.5 (15) on macOS 12.2.1) keeps throwing the following error when opening an OTF that has been generated with the current version of fontmake (3.3.0):

And here’s a sample file where this problem appears:
IBM Plex (51.1 KB)

Thanks for the help! Let me know if you need any more info.

Do you know what the issue could be here, @GeorgSeifert? Am I missing something?

I’m working on it.

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Can you try the update I uploaded earlier?

Hey, thanks for the update.

I removed the old version completely and installed the fresh, new one.

Dropping the OTF attached above, I now get the following message:

Hope that helps!

Can you try this:

This version crashes without giving an error message, I sent you the detailed crash report via DM.

I fixed it. Please download it again with the same link.

Awesome, it works. Thanks a lot!