Force Extremes menu item (upcoming feature?)

The Add Extremes menu item turns into Force Extremes (same as some items change when Option is held down) when I search for extremes yet it is grayed out. Is this an upcoming feature? No search hits in the handbook or on the website, but it’d be a rad feature if it does what I think it does (add extremes and then remove non-extrema points).



I want to know, too. I just saw it and I need it! Since the Add extremes is not working for me with a specific curve. (I know that the AddExtremes filter only adds extremes if it doesn’t deform the outline to much, but it would be nice to be able to force it!)

The menu item is not enabled. You can force an extreme by choosing the Draw tool § and shift-clicking on a segment. Or you can run this snippet in the Macro Window:

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