Get a glyph variant on the MacOS contextmenu

how can I get a glyph variant on macOS in the contextmenu which is open if you press a key on the keyboard longer?


That picker does not show different glyphs, but different Unicode characters. A font can not control which characters are shown, that is managed by the system.

So I understand than I have to use a unicode which is not used and a lettervariant.

All Unicode characters shown in the long-key-press picker are used. What are you trying to achieve?

I have added a glyph for an logo.
Which should the customer use instead as the companyname in copytext.
And I looking for a really easy way for the customer to use this glyph.

With an OT feature perhaps?
When the client types the company name you replace it with the logo glyph. I did that a few times and it worked quite well.

As Daniel already recommended, you can try the following simple feature code:

sub l o g o by logo;

This means that if the letter combination “logo” is typed, it will be replaced by the single glyph in your font called logo. Adapt this to whatever you have in your font, of course.

In order to be sure that this feature is always activated, you can add this code to the liga feature (make sure to uncheck “Generate feature code automatically”).

If you use the ligature, it might be a good idea to add another character, like the “*”. That way the coupon name or the trigger word can be used as is in a text.

@SCarewe is this right?

because it does’t work.

@GeorgSeifert I have not really understand what you mean by add like the *.
I have added my glyph through glyphs > add glyph and name it clogo.

I would simply use the auto-generated code, I don’t understand why you are using language systems and lookups in liga. Then add one line like you did at the end, that looks good.

Was Georg meinte: Eine “Kontroll-Glyphe” hinzufügen, sodass du kontrollieren kannst, wann logo ersetzt werden soll (und es nicht jedes Mal ersetzt wird, wenn du logo tippst). Aber du hast ja schon clogo als Namen, das dürfte so nicht auftauchen in anderen Kontexten.

So, in practice, that would mean simply using the line sub asterisk l o g o by clogo;.
If that doesn’t work, it would be good to know how you are testing this.