Glyphs 2 Beta

Bug with locl feature auto-generation:

Create ogonekcomb.loclATH

Auto-generation puts the following at the top of the locl feature section:
1 language ATH;
2 sub ogonekcomb by ogonekcomb.loclATH;
4 script latn;

aogonek.loclATH is put in the proper “language ATH;” section under “script latn;” but ogonekcomb.loclATH and ogonek.loclATH are put at the very top. So, one gets a MakeOTF error message of:

Error: “DFLT script tag may be used only with the dlft language tag. (text was “ATH”)” in Feature locl in line: 1

Also, note the typo in that message “dlft” should be “dflt”. Though that might be a MakeOTF typo.