Glyphs Mini kerning

Is there a simple way to remove all kerning from a font that I created in TypeTool 3 and opened as a duplicate in Glyphs Mini?

Window > Kerning, select all, press delete button in the lower left corner of the window.

Thank you. The button (with a minus symbol) in the lower left corner of the kerning window only deletes chunks from the kerning table, even though all the kerning pairs are selected. So I have to repeat this a few times until all kerning pairs are deleted?

Is it possible you have a search filter active in the kerning window?

I don’t see a search filter. When I select all the kerning pairs in the kerning window only 49 out of more than 300 are deleted.

So, no problem, eventually I was able to delete all 392 kerning pairs, however not all with one click of the mouse, but in chunks of twenty to forty or so. I just had to repeat the ‘select all-delete’ process in the kerning window a few times. It took only a minute. Thanks.

That problem is fixed in the code for Glyphs and I’m preparing an update for Glyphs Mini.

Thank you Georg, see you at Typo Berlin.