Glyphs substitution on variable font

I’m playing around with this a bit more. And now it works in one line but not the other. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

It seems that I set my Preferences > Type to show the Arabic and Indic composer and that one is used for a new document/text box. And with that composer, rlig works fine in Illustrator 2023 and 2024.

Not sure why I get this:

(Please give feedback.)
And when I click it, I get to this page:

And if I define a paragraph style from that line of text, I get this:

“Use defined” instead of one of the available composers.

Aww, thanks for digging into this.
Hopefully these quirks will be resolved soon by Adobe.
For the meantime I’ll use the Glyphs > FL8 > UFO .designspace > Fontmake rattail*.
*(Rattenschwanz: an endless tail of issues added to the main workflow)

Why FL8? Fontmake can handle .glyphs files (mostly)?