Has anyone had problems working with Glyphs files on Github?

So it appears to be fixed, sort of. Here is what I get when printing the lastChange attribute now:

Is there a way to turn this into user-friendly, date and time?

Jan made it return the time since 1970. I thought it might be better to just return a date object.

Returning ‘epoch’ time is normal UNIX software engineering. I think Jan made a good change.

@GeorgSeifert Would it be better if the “Disable Last Change” key in exported UFO was “com.schriftgestaltung.disablesLastChange”?

You are right. I’ll change it.

Using Version 2.5b (1128), when exporting a UFO I’m still getting both keys in lib.plist:

	<key>com.schriftgestaltung.font.Disable Last Change</key>

is that expected?

No, that is not expected and I finally fixed it.