How to make sub/subGroups in Groups.plist

Hello. I am wondering how i can make groups within groups in the Groups.plist, like I see in other languages.

Here is a screen shot of what I want to make.
CleanShot 2022-05-27 at 15.22.57

So far I can only make root level groups. I tried nesting subGroup = ( ) but it doesn’t work.

Hi Hugo, thanks for your response.
I think I need to make my question clearer.
I know how to make sub groups, but I don’t know make groups within those sub groups. I know it must be possible because other langauges that are in the app by default often have two levels of groups, but I can only make first level groups.
My question is: How can I make second level groups… groups within groups? in the Groups.plist?

I misunderstood sorry.
I don’t know how to do that.

PS : it’s seem that the French version of Custom Sidebar Entries in Font View | Glyphs, has not been updated. (still “coverage” instead of “list” in example)

Nest subGroup rules inside other subGroup rules:

    languages = (
            name = "Some Language";
            subGroup = (
                    name = "Some Subgroup";
                    subGroup = (
                            name = "Some Sub-Subgroup";
                            list = (
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