IPA rsmallinverted glyph (uni0281) is facing the wrong way

Preview render:

Correct rotation:

Can confirm – Rsmallinverted and RturnedSmall get the same preview (except in different fonts, for some reason, the former rounded and the latter not?), when they should be mirrored views of each other:

(Also, why the inconsistency in naming and capitalisation? Why not either RsmallTurned and RsmallInverted or RinvertedSmall and RturnedSmall?)

This is an error in the San Francisco font family. It annoys the hell out of me. In any case, it’s not a Glyphs bug.

It displays correctly in other fonts, such as Noto.

Arabic glyphs in San Francisco Arabic font has several similar bugs as well. I think it is a bad font for empty glyphs placeholders.

Glyphs is already patching some glyphs from the system font. Please point out any mistakes and we’ll correct for them in an update.

There is a way to customize the font used to draw the placeholder glyphs, but it’s a bit hidden.

Open the Macro Panel and run the following code, adjusting the script name and font file path:

fonts = list(Glyphs.defaults['GSScriptToPlaceholderFontPath'])
fonts.append(("arabic", '/Users/Florian/Library/Fonts/Lyon/LyonArabicText-Regular.otf'))
Glyphs.defaults['GSScriptToPlaceholderFontPath'] = fonts

In the second line, adjust the script name to your liking. You can get the exact spelling by selecting a glyph and then EditInfo for SelectionScript. For the font file path, choose the file in Finder, open the context menu for the file, hold down ⌥ and select Copy … as Pathname.

This is what it can look like:

(Admittedly, with Arabic there is the difficultly that glyph encoding and Unicode cannot be leveraged as well as for other scripts.)

Thanks for the info.

As for the broken glyphs:

  • hehgoal-ar.medi: it should not look like a behDotless with a comma below it, but as an open form of heh-ar.medi
  • hahabove-ar: it should not literally be a small hah-ar.init (the glyph name is bad as well, something like jazm-ar would be more appropriate)
  • yehKashmiri-ar*: the ring below should be detached
  • rehDotbelowdotabove-ar*: the dot above should be in front of the reh, not above it
  • u-ar*, uHamzaabove-ar*: the mark above the waw should look closer to comma not damma-ar
  • highhamza*-ar: the hamza should be to the right of the other component, not above it
  • noonghunnaabove-ar: should look like a crescent, not small noonghunna-ar

For all these glyphs, you can check latest Noto Arabic fonts to see more appropriate glyphs.

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I reported it to Apple.

fixed it :wink:

if there are other issues/suggestion, now would be a good time.

Thanks a lot for you feedback, by the way.

Well, something that has always irratated ne is that meemabove-ar and meemStopabove-ar are swapped (meemabove-ar is the stop/pause sign), but I don’t know how this can be fixed.