标签问题 Label problem

In Glyphs, some words in a font are labeled. How can these labels be assigned to another font?

截屏2023-02-07 上午10.42.41

If you are using labels (tags), I highly recommend my plugin Guten Tag.

For an overview of managing tags with scripting, see section 3.4, Scripting With Tags, on page 13 of the Guten Tag Handbook:

Read the Python API document about GSGlyph.tags :

Few code like this. Expand it as you need.

for g1 in font1.glyphs:
    if g2 := font2.glyphs[g1.name]:
        g2.tags = g1.tags
print 'Done'

Can I use this directly? Is it convenient to guide how to operate? :rose: