Library - Feature Request


I miss something like library (ala Illustrator or Flash) that I could use to gather common elements of a typeface - serifs, stems, arcs and other things like that.

Do you find this feature interesting?

I did think about this. Will see what I can do?

Everything you need is already there. Just create a list filter that contains your parts. Create the parts and set them all to not export.

But a special panel that presents a visual representation of the parts would be helpful.
Maybe I add an icon mode to the component picker. Then you just need to add a some string to you component so you can find them faster.

Does anyone has a suggestion on how to name the elements that I can add a special “elements” glyph type?

What about ‘stencil’?
Or ‘module’.

hands up für »module(s)«

Nic tip. I will get use of it for now.