Names for Stylistic Sets

I did a test with BioRhyme 53.glyphs and the Stylistic Set name was added properly using Glyphs 2.2.2 (827) beta. Perhaps there’s an issue in the specific version of Glyphs you’re using (or something else).

Hmm. I’m also using 2.2.2 (827)

Mark, please could you post a screenshot of the entire feature?

That was the entire feature. It borrows this lookup from an earlier feature:

lookup alt_G {
	sub @normalG by @alternateG;
} alt_G;

(Of course, because it’s Glyphs, it leaves out the outer feature ssxx { … } ssxx; part.)

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Feature sample of ss03:

featureNames {
    name "Loop forms";
    name 1 "Loop forms";
sub k by k.alt;
sub kcommaaccent by kcommaaccent.alt;
sub […]

Have you activated “DisableAllAutomaicBehaviours” ?

Or, if it helps:

Thank you Mark!! That helps clarify things for me :slight_smile:

No, but when I added the “DisableAllAutomaticBehaviour” as a Font tab Custom Parameter and enabled it, then the manual code worked.

It also worked when I removed that code and in the notes wrote


But that did not work when I used a space. Seems like a bug! :slight_smile:

This worked in InDesign CC 2017:
featureNames {
name “Schoolbook Lowercase a, g and r”;

Though Names: XYZ on the comment section did not.

Name: Xxxx does. Without the s.