Overlapping issue with Interpolationing Hangul on new Glyphs 3.1.1

Hi there!
I’m having a Overlapping issue with Interpolationing Hangul on new Glyphs 3.1.1
Which woked fine on the very last Glyphs ver.

and nothing’s wrong when I open up the Hangul glyph.
Is there any link for an older version of Glyphs 3?

Could you post a screenshot of the ces-ko glyph? Or send us the Glyphs file privately so we can have a look at what’s the issue.

In the meantime, you can download old versions of Glyphs from here: Glyphs Versions

So currently I’m having overlap issue while interpolating ces-ko through two smart components weights.
And same thing happens when I decompose them.

Still difficult to tell what the issue is from the screenshots. Could you send your Glyphs file (or a fine containing only this glyph) via mail to support at glyphapp?