Pixel Pen Tool Crashes Glyphs

I installed Toshi Omagari’s Pixel Pen tool plug in, Glyphs advised me to restart the app and after restarting the app doesn’t even load. I located the plug-in folder in the application support directory and deleted it an then the app will load fine. Has anyone else found this? I’d like to use the plug-in I’m not sure why it’s not working.

Do you find any reports in the Macro Window?

The app never loaded so I never got to see any reports in that window no

Do you have all the standard Python modules like Vanilla installed? If you don’t, you can install them from Preferences > Add-on.

Omg thankyou so much! I’m pretty new to this hole plug in deal! Works great this will save me so much time!

You’re welcome!

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If should not crash the app. What version of Glyphs do you have?

It’s okay Tosche has sorted it :slight_smile:

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I still like to see if I can prevent the crash if a plugin misbehaves.