Problem with letter when I test in Adobe software


I’m new at this and working on my first font—still getting the hang of everything. One of my letters (S) is showing up differently in Adobe software (it looks fine when I peek at it in fontbook or fontexplorer—and of course it looks fine in the Glyphs software itself). Can you all think of a reason why a font drawn like this…

would appear when typed in adobe Illustrator, like this:


Is there something wrong with how I’ve constructed the letterform? I’ve cleaned my font cache several times now, so it’s not that.

How did you clean which font cache? Try installing with a different font name to rule out font cache problems. And, very importantly, are you using the Adobe Fonts folder?

I followed the instructions in the glyphs tutorial called Eliminating Font Cache Problems! I had no idea about the adobe fonts folder however—thank you! I just set up my fonts to export there now.

It seems like the problem is still there, though. At this point I may just re-draw the letter. So strange.

Put S in the background and generate a font with a big square in place of S. This is how I test to see if the problem is an old file that won’t die or something going wrong at export.

My bad. I just added a link at the beginning of the Eliminating Font Cache Problems tutorial. I thought I had done that before, but apparently not.

Thank you guys—I just figured it out. It was something strange with some of my beziers. Appreciate how helpful and open this community is!