Is there a way to access this in Python? Can’t find it on GSPath
ah, found it: .flattenOutlinesRemoveOverlap_origHints_secondaryPath_extraHandles_error_(False, None, None, None, None)
The function from the context menu calls this:
NSArray *newPaths = [NSClassFromString(@"GlyphsFilterOffsetCurve") offsetPath:path offsetX:width / 2 offsetY:height / 2 makeStroke:!fill position:pos objects:returnObjects capStyleStart:capStart capStyleEnd:capEnd keepCompatibleOutlines:YES extraHandles:nil];
There is some more code before to get the settings from the path.
I refactored it that you can run (from version 3181)
NSArray *newPaths = [path expandedStroke];
Thank you, Georg!
This same path, same parameters,
The newPaths obtained using objective-c are incorrect, while the newPaths obtained using pyobjc are correct.
What is incorrect. And can you post the python code that you have used?
path = Layer.paths[0]
OffsetCurve = NSClassFromString("GlyphsFilterOffsetCurve")
newPaths = OffsetCurve.offsetPath_offsetX_offsetY_makeStroke_position_objects_capStyleStart_capStyleEnd_keepCompatibleOutlines_extraHandles_(path, 30, 20, True, 0.5, None, 0, 0,True,None)
for newPath in newPaths:
incoming path is:
<GSNode x=117.0 y=325.0 line>,
<GSNode x=483.0 y=325.0 line>
Traverse each one newPaths is:
<GSPath 4 nodes>
<GSNode x=117.0 y=345.0 line>,
<GSNode x=117.0 y=305.0 line>,
<GSNode x=483.0 y=305.0 line>,
<GSNode x=483.0 y=345.0 line>
GSPath *path = (GSPath *)[Layer.paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *newPaths = [NSClassFromString(@"GlyphsFilterOffsetCurve") offsetPath:path offsetX:30 offsetY:20 makeStroke:YES position:0.5 objects:nil capStyleStart:0 capStyleEnd:0 keepCompatibleOutlines:YES extraHandles:nil];
for(GSPath *path in paths){
incoming path is:
"<GSNode 0x6000018eedc0> 117 325 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x6000019fa040> 483 325 LINE"
Traverse each one newPaths is:
<GSPath 0x600001c02640> nodes: 2
"<GSNode 0x600001c005a0> 117 325 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x600001c02b20> 483 325 LINE"
Can you try this code:
GSPath *path = (GSPath *)[Layer.paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *newPaths = [NSClassFromString(@"GlyphsFilterOffsetCurve") offsetPath:path offsetX:30 offsetY:20 makeStroke:YES position:0.5 objects:nil capStyleStart:0 capStyleEnd:0 keepCompatibleOutlines:YES extraHandles:nil];
for(GSPath *path in newPaths){
Sorry, I made a mistake in copying. My code was originally like this below.
GSPath *path = (GSPath *)[Layer.paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSArray *paths = [NSClassFromString(@"GlyphsFilterOffsetCurve") offsetPath:path offsetX:30 offsetY:20 makeStroke:YES position:0.5 objects:nil capStyleStart:0 capStyleEnd:0 keepCompatibleOutlines:YES extraHandles:nil];
for(GSPath *path in paths){
After copying it to this topic, in order to be consistent with the newPaths traversal above, I changed the paths to newPaths. However, I forgot to change the traversal below, which has nothing to do with it. The newPaths obtained are incorrect,it’s also
ncoming path is:
"<GSNode 0x6000018eedc0> 117 325 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x6000019fa040> 483 325 LINE"
Traverse each one newPaths is:
<GSPath 0x600001c02640> nodes: 2
"<GSNode 0x600001c005a0> 117 325 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x600001c02b20> 483 325 LINE"
what version of Glyphs do you use?
I get this:
"<GSNode 0x600000f4f720> 136 105 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x600000f4f540> 134 388 LINE"
<GSPath 0x600000fe6100> nodes: 4
"<GSNode 0x600000fe6040> 106.001 104.859 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x600000fe6ac0> 165.999 105.141 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x600000fe5fe0> 163.999 388.141 LINE",
"<GSNode 0x600000fe69a0> 104.001 387.859 LINE"
3252 and 3151 all like this, I don’t know where the problem is with me,where did you declare
+ (NSArray *)offsetPath:(GSPath *)path offsetX:(float)width offsetY:(float)height makeStroke:(bool)fill position:(float)pos objects:(nullable NSArray *)returnObjects capStyleStart:(GSLineCapStyle)capStart capStyleEnd:(GSLineCapStyle)capEnd keepCompatibleOutlines:(bool)keep extraHandles:(nullable NSMutableArray *)extraHandles;