Remove Overlap doesnt seem to be working the way it used to

When using a shape as a starting point (for characters like S) from a font file, I used to be able to “merge” handles (or Bézier control points) and open up the shape, in Glyphs 2.
In Glyphs 3, that does not seem to be working. In a shape, like attached image, Path > Remove Overlap does not do anything for me.

Expected Result for Remove Overlap:

I read over the docs, but did not find a root cause or a conclusion. Looking for feedback. Thanks.

Path > Convert to Cubic.

Why are you working with quadratic curves? Are you importing a compiled third-party font file?

I have Thin and Bold instances of my font. I need to create a Regular one. So, I exported to individual ttfs. And need copied some of the shapes from the generated ttf file.


In the Exports tab, select the instance you want as a new master. Click the + button at the bottom. Click “Instance as Master”.

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This doesn’t make sense. You just need to set up a regular instance in the exports tab of the font info. Not import compiled shapes. What exactly are you trying to achieve?

I think kedar means “masters” instead of instances, judging by the screenshot.

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Ah, okay. In that case your answer was the one he needed.