[RMX] Font Remix Tools for Glyphs public beta

Jan, thanks for your feedback. I’ll have a look at the bugs. Also, the suggestion about the sidebearings sounds interesting.

Hi Tim,
new severe bug discovered:

RMX tuner : if one or more components are present in the glyph (a mix of paths and comps) after applying your filter, components are cleared out :frowning:

Oh, it’s worst then I expected. components disappeared from my current master but they’re still there on the others BUT I have to master incompatibility error. If I try to put back the right component, then I have a compatibility error.

The issue with the disappearing anchors and components is probably do to a very big shift. So the components are still there but outside of the visible area.

right! but it’s still a bug isn’t it? :wink:

jan: This should be fixed now. Update to be published later today.

It would be great if I could still specify percentages in the tuner by just following the value with %. This sort of thing is great for previewing what an oblique font will look like by simultaneously slanting and condensing.

Agreed. The RMX Slanter will have exactly this feature, I just think the RMX Tuner is not the right place for it.

Isn’t RMX slanter concurring with native Glyphs slanter filter? Can it be significantly better?

The RMX Slanter will have exactly this feature, I just think the RMX Tuner is not the right place for it.

But having it in the tuner would allow me to simultaneously condense and slanting of an entire font. Of course, so would having slant option in the scaler.

I’ve noticed a strange vertical shift when using Scaler with some rounded shapes.
I try to scale zero to make zero.osf and everything works fine but the shape shifts upwards 5pt and I have to correct it by putting this value in Vertical Shit field in Scaler window.

Is this a normal behavior or a bug?

Looking forward for the final release.