Segment type - NSArray object has not attribute 'type'

The error says that segment is an NSArray, not an segment as you expect.

I think the problem is that if any other script before yours is importing RoboFab, the path.segment is overloaded to return a list of RSegments. Your college has no RoboFab, so the default implementation is used.

I highly recommend to use the path.nodes API.

for path in Layer.paths:
	index = -1
	for node in path.nodes:
		index++ # add the increment at the beginning that you dont need to worry about `continue` calls.
		if node.type == LINE:
			prefNode = path.nodes[index - 1]
			tp0 = prefNode.position
			tp1 = node.position
			dist = math.hypot(tp1.x - tp0.x, tp1.y - tp0.y)
			pathTotalLength += dist
			straightlinepts = self.PointToPointSteps(tp0, tp1, spacebetween)
			for sl in straightlinepts: allpointslist.append(sl)
		elif node.type == CURVE:
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