Show Underline in Glyphs 3

Has this Plugin been updated, or is Glyphs 3 now able to show this?

The plug-in is available in the Plugin Manager, but it does not draw anything, correct.

In, it displays the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/mekka/Library/Application Support/Glyphs 3/Repositories/ShowUnderline/ShowUnderline.glyphsPlugin/Contents/Resources/", line 40, in addUnderlineButton_
AttributeError: 'NSKVONotifying_GSEditViewController' object has no attribute 'userData'

Will have a look…

I fixed it.

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Seems like this is broken again?

The plugin works for me. What app version and OS are you using?

Glyphs 3.2 (3227), macOS 13.6.2, iMac M3
The U button shows up but if I use it then nothing happens.

Do you have stroke position and thickness custom parameters set up in your masters?


Oh, wait. This is weird. Now it has started to work!