Support for named character variants?

In Glyphs, stylistic sets allow a feature name, but character variants do not. But it looks like a feature name is supported by the spec? Registered features, a-e (OpenType 1.8.4) - Typography | Microsoft Docs

I expect that’ll be supported in a future version, but is not currently implemented.

nice, that would be great. I might use stylistic sets for the time being instead, then; I don’t think there’s any harm.

I’ve been wondering about this too. Are there any apps out there that support named cvNN features? (Maybe they’d start doing so if names started appearing in fonts.)

Definitely a chicken-and-egg situation. Apps only recently started to display the ss## names and few even offer a UI for picking cv## features; fewer still allow for multiple choices per character variants feature.

True that. Let’s us font people be the eggs.

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