Syntax Error! SOS


When I try to export my Font, Glyphs tells me that my Font has a problema with the syntax, exactly:
“syntaxt error at”[features.fea 1311"] function ccmp. line 5…"

Well, Ive checheked Glyphs manual so I've realised that in Font info I am able to read that the error is in 1311 line but I do not how to change that line, I cant find the ‘text code’ of my Font.

Can anybody help me, please?

(Sorry for my english I am from Spain.


Look in File > Font Info > Features > ccmp. Try activating Automatic, and updating and compiling (with the buttons at the bottom of the window).

Thanks. Finally I uptake my Glyphs version and everything was ok, anyway I will remember this in case it happens again. Thanks from Spain.
