The Remove overlap problem

When will you solve the Remove overlap problem where extra nodes are not removed? This is quite important I think. If you have a lot of old Glyphs documents and want to re-generate fonts. it’s quite easy to forget to add the LayerGeek-filter on every single document.

It should be solved in the latest beta of v2.3.

Do you expect it to be non-beta soon?

There are a few things I need to fix before final release and no date set yet. The next update (849) should be quite stable after some trouble in the last weeks.

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You know you can copy and paste parameters, right?

Yes, that’s not the problem. I like to think that I am able to open a 1-year old document, add a missing glyph or correct a kerning pair and then export the fonts without any hassle. That’s the reason I chose Glyphs, you guys introduced this way of working with overlapping paths and it’s one of the key features in Glyphs (which I love). :smile: Now it has been quite some time with the remove overlap problem and it’s starting to get quite annoying.

You can work with the beta already if that is a major issue. You can keep both the beta and the latest stable version next to each other in the App folder.