Turn off automatic mark feature generation?

It’s helpful to auto generate a lot of things on export, but the automatically generated mark feature is just getting in my way. For Khmer I set anchors for abvm and blwm and then add the relevant GPOS info in the features, but then I can’t export because anchors get turned into the mark feature and that causes a conflict:
Error: "You cannot add glyphs to a mark class after the mark class has been used in a position statement.

If I don’t add the anchors, but do add the feature code for abvm and blwm then it’s fine, but that’s not a good way to do things. If these features were autogenerated that also wouldn’t be bad, but I need different classes and different lookup flags so it’s not as simple as just adding a couple anchors and you get perfect feature code. And like many scripts the glyph set isn’t set in stone so I really need the manual override.

I’d be happy to see a checkbox somewhere to choose whether or not the mark and mkmk features are automatically generated. Or even choose which anchor names should be autogenerated for which feature/script. Currently I’ve been setting anchors to get the coordinates and then just writing that feature code and deleting the anchors so I can export.

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Can you send me the .glyphs file? Using anchors for the abvm and blwm is much more convenient. I need to check if it exports abvm/blwm or mark. That has to set for each script and I didn’t properly look into Khmer yet.

I changed it that now Glyphs will generate the abvm/blwm features from the anchors in the glyphs (like for all indic scripts).

Does it read specific anchor names, like “above” and “below?”

It uses top/bottom as for all other scripts.

That sounds good. How about mkmk? That’s also necessary. And what if there are top/bottom anchors for other scripts within the same font? Are those split into abvm, blwm and mark features depending on the script assigned? At the moment I’m just wondering about a Khmer with some basic Latin that includes marks, but depending on the character set things could get a little more crazy I suppose.

You can check the feature code yourself if you take a look at the features.fea inside the font’s Temp folder. Fastest way to access it is Script > Open Scripts Folder, the Temp folder is next to the Scripts folder.

The mkmk feature is also generated from the top/bottom anchors in the mark glyphs.