Unicode missing

Three code points are missing.This area should be:U+4E00–U+9FFF,20992character。
refer to: UAX #38: Unicode Han Database (Unihan)

U+9FFD/U+9FFE/U+9FFF are not assigned in the unicode v13.0.
You can find the info here and manage them manually: UNICODE 14.0 更新(一) CJK与汉字篇 - 知乎

Glyphs是从unicode v13.0开始做的吗?有点强迫症,希望软件能把这个更新。

Reported the issue already. Please wait for it.

Meanwhile, as the data framework is so open. You can always edit the glyphinfo or even make you own glyphsdata (by EditGlyphData app).

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Thank you so much.