Using Glyph's woff2_compress in a script

we need to use woff2_compress in a export plugin, is it smart to get to Glyph’s internal woff2_compres?

import sys
from pathlib import Path

base = Path(sys.executable).parent
woff2_compress = base.parent/"PlugIns"/"OTF.glyphsFileFormat"/"Contents"/"Resources"/"woff2_compress"

the other option is to let the other team members install woff2_compress and point to it, but I am not sure everybody will be able to do so. Then they could enter the path like this


The other option would be to package it with the script, but that seems too complex for me to do. I naively copied ttfautohint executable into the script’s resources folder which resulted in permisson error when executed on other machines.

I bet there must be a better way

Using the binary from Glyphs should be fine.