Variable font doesn't interpolate kerning

Does kerning problem in vb fonts have not yet been resolved?
Image description:

The kerning for the slant (second master) is vary
but in GX export, first master kerning apply to it

This should be fixed now.

Hi @GeorgSeifert ,
I have an issue with variable kerning as well. Iā€™m working on a variable font with 6 Masters on a rectangular grid (width and weight) each with individual kerning values. When I generate the GX the kern values of one master are applied to all instances.
Example: Black Compressed kerning value for /T/a is -42, though the applied kerning value is -83, which is the one I use in my Thin instance.

Can you send me the file?

Seems like I have the problem too, please share if you find what have caused it!

@alexs Can could you send me your file?

Hi @GeorgSeifert, I have the exact same issue as @martinplus, since installing Glyphs 3.

Same file in Glyphs 2 exports kerning as intended

Attaching the files. This was a Glyphs 2 file, simplified / resaved in Glyphs 3.
Tried removing the kerning table and kerning again in Glyphs 3, same result. Exported from the latest version

KerningTest2.glyphs (3.6 KB)
KerningTestVariable-Regular.ttf (1.8 KB)

Thanks for the file. I fixed it.