Variable Font export error

I have a WIP font with only a couple of glyphs in 3 weight masters. Other glyphs in the font are set to not export. When exporting as OTF the fonts get generated fine, but when attempting to export as Variable Font I get the following error message in a Popup dialog:

Something went wrong while exporting: *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[2]

Nothing is created within the “Temp” folder. The same message without any additional or previous messages shows up in the console.

All exporting glyphs are compatible.
There’s no features except the DFLT language system.

Any idea what that error hints at?

Can you send me the .glyphs file?

Hmm. Not quite sure. I duplicated the file, opened it to remove confidential meta info and tried to export — and it worked?

Maybe the Glyphs restart or reopening the file was what fixed it?

Also I noticed that in the Macro window output there was no error messages, when normally there often are some. Could this be some kind of conflict with my Python version, because I had trouble with that previously (i.e. Glyphs not using the default python). I previously unlinked my brew python version to make Glyphs use the Mac default and it’s pip modules. The python sys.version I get from within the Macro window is:

2.7.10 (default, Oct  6 2017, 22:29:07) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.31)]

But I also think that this 2.7.10 is the one I got even when I last observed errors in the output.


the python version should not influence the variable font export as there is no python involved in the process.


Actually I have the same issue.
I’m still working on a variable icon-set with some unicode and some Private-Use glyphs.
Everything is ok when I export the otf. or ttf., but when I try to export the variable font GX. compare this msg:
Something went wrong while exporting: *** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[3]

So, any idea to fix this?
Thanks in advance.

Which exact app version?

Version 2.6

The current version is 2.6.5. Please update and try again.

Works! Thx.