Variable issue for Glyphsapp newb

Hello, lovely Glyphsapp users.

I very recently converted from RoboFont to Glyphs on a permanent basis — loving how much easier the app is to use.

I’m currently trying to generate my first variable from Glyphsapp and have a quick question. Previously I used RoboFont and Skateboard to generate variable files, so I’m no stranger to the format / setup, I’m just trying to figure out how it works in Glyphsapp.

I’ve got a standard 2 axis (weight / width) setup, which is generating no problem, however when I try to set the origin (default location) to be based on a master inside the corners (~900 weight, ~400 width) the file will unfortunately not generate and I get a message to say that the “Problem generating Feature Variations” “Master is outside of the interpolation space at 1000 and axis rage 900-900”.

If I change the origin value to 500 the message changes to “Master is outside of the interpolation space at 1000 and axis rage 500-500”.

Apologies if this is a v naive question. I read the variable / masters documentation, but I think I may be missing something obvious due to the app being new to me.

Can you post the coordinates of all masters?

Thank you, Georg,

Light Condensed = 0 weight, 0 width
Light = 0 weight, 1000 width

Black Condensed = 1000 weight, 0 width
Black = 1000 weight, 1000 width

The above is generating as a variable file no problem. However when I include an additional master (coordinates below), and then set it as the origin, the error message starts to appear upon generation.

Bold Narrow = 900 weight, 400 width

Again, big apologies Georg, if this is something glaringly obvious, I’m like a fish out of water without using skateboard / superpolator.


For building clear deltas, you generally need a rectangular setup, meaning you reach subsequent masters just by a change in one axis.

However, the setup you describe should be the one exception. Can you send the file to the support email?

Do you have intermediate layers in any of the glyphs?

it’s easily replicable. I just tried out of curiosity I got the same error.
Version: 3.3 (3316)

New Font.glyphs (3.3 KB)

if you put the origin at 900, 400, inside the cube defined by the other masters, you need 4 more masters to get to a fully rectangular design space:
900, 0
900, 1000
0, 400
1000, 400
That is not worth the effort to build and will increase the file size quite a bit.